Friday, May 8, 2009

It gets odder

Now the winter has passed, spring is here, and here is my new observations: When the wind is not blowing, the turbines near me are spinning. When the wind starts up, the turbines shut down.

I have noticed a military looking helicopter flying along the line of wind turbines on occasion, as if they are looking at them.

The turbines are too close together. They should be five to ten rotor diameters apart. They look to be about three. I have also been told that these new ones are cheaply made and not like the earlier ones errected in the county.

Vertical axis turbines would have been a better choice, as the wind is vary variable and turbulent.

What's it mean? Poor engineering, it appears to me, and no worry if they actually make any electricity or not.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In the midst of a global credit crisis, wind turbine construction continues.

This week, we had a major investment bank go bankrupt, Lehman Brothers, that has been around since before the American 'Civil' war. Stock markets are going down around the world. AIG is being nationalised. Freddie and Fanny have already been nationalized.

And all summer long, as the housing market slumps worse, and banks aren't loaning to each other, much less to business, I have been watching the construction of Dominion Power and Shell Oil companies' wind farm continue unabated.. Some 147 or so turbines. They don't seem to be affected by the global credit crunch. Wonder where they are getting their money from? The Pentagon, perhaps?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

If you think government is incompetent, you're just not in on the gig.

By now, most people realize that the U.S.A. is in some serious troubles. With fuel at around $4 per gallon, the energy problems should be obvious. People offer various opinions on what should be done to solve the energy problem. Such as:

"Drill for oil in Alaska. We have a 'Saudi' in Alaska if the environmentalists would get out of the way."
"Build more nuclear reactors."
"We need more alternative energy."
"Hydrogen cars is the answer."
"Ethanol. We have a 'Saudi' in corn."

If you are like most people, you are positive that our governmental officials are self serving and incompetent. If so, I think that you have correctly ascertained the self-serving part. But I think you are wrong about the incompetent part. The leaders in government actually have a good energy plan. It just doesn't include you or me, but only themselves.

Perhaps your gestalt needs mending. Here are some new suppositions to think upon:

  • Leaders in government know that the industrial society depends upon cheap oil
  • They know that the cheap oil is running out.
  • They know that as the cheap oil runs out that the industrial society, and all supporting it will crumble.
  • They know that 'alternative energy' such as wind and solar will never be able to power an industrial society.
  • They know that starvation, disease, social breakdown, and war will occur because of this.
  • .They know that they better build some places to hide out in. (COG)
  • They have an alternative energy plan for themselves.
If the government knows that alternative energy won't provide enough energy to power an industrial society, then why is the government offering incentives to develop alternative energy? Simply this: the government has no plans to preserve the industrial society, or even the American people, Their plan is only to preserve themselves, the elite, and the wealthy.