Thursday, August 28, 2008

Paul Craig Roberts says the USA is provoking a nuclear war with Russia

Nuclear war shares a few characteristics with a sword fight. In a sword fight, the first thing you try to do is prevent your opponent from cutting you. Second, you look for vital targets to strike. Sword fights are usually fast, short and descisive. Generally, you die by bleeding to death. Forget the Hollywood versions of sword fights.

In an interview with Jason Bermas on the Alex Jones show, Paul Craig Roberts talks about the possiblility of nuclear war with Russia. It is a pretty dire picture.

Most people believe that in a nuclear exchange that the big cities will be targeted. This probably comes about because most fictional movies on the topic show just that. In Fail Safe, New York City and Moscow are the targets.

In real life, things might be different. The first objective in nuclear war, as in sword fighting, is to try to keep your opponent from nuking you back. So the first targets aren't the cities, but any facility with retaliatory capabilities. These targets would be things like the nuclear missle silos, the bomber bases and runways, aircraft carriers and the nuclear submarines. If you are successful in disabling all of your enemies' retaliatory capabilities, then his land lis open to you for whatever else you want to hit. This is like cutting the wrist of the hand that your opponent is holding his sword with. Not only will he be unable to grip his sword any longer, but he will bleed profusely.

The second targests would be infrastructure. Major highways, bridges, trains, communications centers, mines, and, most important to the topic of this blog, electrical power generation. Coal burning power plants, nuclear power plants and hydroelectric dams are high on the list of potential targets. These targets could be destroyed each with one well placed bomb, and it wouldn't have to be nuclear, or delivered from an airplane or missle.

The third target would be cities, just for general population reduction. But an enemy wouldn't get to this until after they are very certain that the target nation cannot respond. Back in 1964 when Fail Safe came out, bombing cities made more sense since cities were centers of industrial and manufacturing. Since the U.S.A. has become a 'post industrial' nation, it doesn't make as much sense. If you wanted to bomb the manufacturing centers of the U.S.A. today, you would have to bomb Shandog and Guangdong China.

I am saying all this to people who live in rural areas and think they are safe from nuclear war because it will be the cities that are bombed. If you live near an electrical generating plant, a hydroelectric dam, a military base with long range bombers, or missle silos, you might be in the target range. And if there is a wind farm nearby you, there might be an underground facility that will be a target.

Contrary to popular propoganda, which says that nuclear war is so horrible as to be unthinkable, and therefore it is futile to prepare for it, nuclear war is really very survivable. Of course, 'ground zero' is not a good place to be. But if you survive the blast and fire storm, the radiation dies quickly. If you can shelter inside for a week or two, your chances of survival increase greatly. Most people will die of radiation poisoning and from panic and dehydration, not from the initial blast.

One thing for certain is that the Elite and the government have prepared for it. They have underground bunkers, stocked with food, water and ammunition. However, if you do the same thing, they will label you a 'survivalist, anti-government, paranoid, horder, militia', and maybe a 'racist'. So, just prepare, and don't let anyone know that you are peparing. You can download documents published by Civil Defense from Eric Green's website that tell how to build shelters and what they should be stocked with.. Civil Defense documents - pdf downloads

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